Friday, January 22, 2010

That's MY Emily

So today after school, David and I made a bunch of new Mii's on the Wii. In case you have been in a cave, a Mii (me) is an animated person on the Wii (we) game unit. You walk through steps, pick their hairstyle and color, skin color, how tall they are, how skinny (or not) they are, etc. These people show up in various games you play. It's fun to hear the kids yell, "there's Mommy...there's Daddy, Joey, David, Rose, Lexie, Madeline...Owen, Aunt Karen.... you name it. Tonight Rose came home after roaming the neighborhood and decided to make some of her cousins into Mii's. She and David were looking at who the new Mii's were... people we knew, and some we made up, like Creepy Guy and Maury.... and she saw someone and asked "who's that?" David replies, "that's MY Emily".......
These ARE NOT Emily..... she is very cute! But, can you guess who they are?