Sunday, January 3, 2010

Mommy Dearest

This poor boy sure deserves better parents. I've made excuses that Joey doesn't get to nap anymore because of David and Rose's school schedules, and he really doesn't. But the other part of the story is he is a tough kid when it comes to things he doesn't want to do. He is a screamer. The more you suggest something he doesn't want to do, the more he screams...... "NO"..... and the louder he gets. no, No, NO!! Every once in a while I can trick him into taking a nap by suggesting he watch a movie on my bed when I know he's tired....but most of the time, he's not having any part of that. We went in for his 3 year check-up last month and when his doc asked does he still nap? I said yes, but almost laughed as I would have had to admit how crappy I am at this Mothering business....... So, when he does fall asleep, I just let him stay where he is. Guess I shouldn't have sold that crib (cage) just yet. Can't just put him in and walk away anymore. He won't stay in a bed. So, as we speak, he is asleep on the kitchen floor (not for the first time) where he plopped himself down when I started to make dinner. Perhaps this needs to be a New Year's Resolution..... be a better Mom. The 3rd day into the year and I've already failed! Oh well, he will PROBABLY live to age 4....even with ME as his Mom. I won't even tell you about the time he was screaming and yelling and fell asleep on the stairs, you just might call child protective services..... that's why I never snapped the picture! :^O

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