Friday, January 15, 2010

Rodie..... aka. Rosie

Joey: (as we are walking home from Lexie's house) "Where's Rodie?"
Mommy: "She is going to sleep over at Lexie's"
Joey: "NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Mommy: "Do you want her to come home?"
Joey: "YES!!!!!! RODIE.... RODIE...." while crying and I'm holding his little hand.....

Much later tonight.....
David: "Mommy, where's Rosie?"
Mommy: "She's at a sleep-over with Lexie. Do you miss her?"
David: "Yes.........." he says sadly.....

Those boys do love their sister.

And a little after that....
Mommy: "David, you know, you are awfully cute!"
David: turns and smiles "but not SUPER cute....."

Oh yes, yes you are!!!

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