Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Happy Birthday Jon Boy!

Saturday, was our good friend Jon's 30th birthday. Andy and I headed up to Redondo Beach to spend the day and evening Jon & Chantal (and son Vaughn). We got an early start so we could watch the JETS play the Bengals in the first round of playoffs. Andy was on exemplary behavior, for which I was very glad. I don't like to watch really important games with him (and what game ISN'T really important to him?) because he is just way too intense, and WAY too loud! But, he was on great behavior and the JETS it was a great afternoon. Now the problem is that the JETS play the Chargers this Sunday..... someone in this house will not be happy come Sunday night. Andy is going to the game with a bunch of friends, JETS fans coming in for the game. Jon will go too (rooting for the Chargers)..... but I will watch from home. There is no way I could go to the game with Andy.

Anyway, Chantal threw a party for Jon at a local bar that evening. We had the place from 7 - 10 PM as a private party, then the bar opened to the public. Chantal is 7 months pregnant, so for her to even want to be in a bar at this point with a bunch of people drinking is pretty amazing. (When I was pregnant, I found it wasn't nearly as much fun hanging out with my friends who were drinking when I couldn't.) Jon had a really good turnout. They have so many great friends, it's always a good time when we go see them. We left earlier than most of the crowd so we could get home at a semi-reasonable hour, and so Helene would have a break the next morning with the kids. We are so fortunate to have such great friends....and such great family members who allow us to get away! It was a really fun day. Happy Birthday Jon! Thanks to you and Chantal for having us up. And thanks again Helene!

As a side note, poor Vaughn was taken to the ER the next day with pneumonia. Poor little guy! And poor Jon for spending the day in the ER with a hangover! Here are just a few pictures of the 110 I took.... Jon has a LOT of really good looking friends, girls and guys. I have left most of them off this post to make Andy and myself look better! Plus, I can't remember half of their names.

Barry, Adin, Andy & Jon, second: Nicki, John, Jon & Andy

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