Friday, January 29, 2010

David Stitzer, Come On Down.... You Are the Next Star Helper....

Tonight was the sock hop, but today, David was Star Helper in school. He was the student who got to ring the bell to start the day, got to count out the coins representing how many days they have been in class (57), got to choose what activity he wanted to do first, be the line leader in and out of break-time, and bring in an item and give clues for the rest of the class to guess what it was. We had the letter J, so we brought Jelly Beans. Rose had J last year too, so when he got it, I knew we would do the same thing. We made little snack bags with jelly beans to share...which is always a fan favorite if you can pull off a sweet treat giveaway. He was a hit! Dave can be the stand back kid....the last in line for anything, the kid who stands back and lets others do things it's always a good day when he gets to be the guy who is first and does special things. Oh, and the best part was that I was in class today with him and got to see him in all his glory. He is such a sweet, caring, and special boy. I think I love you!

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