Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!!

I woke this morning at 8:15, after staying up till 3 AM with Rose & David. Joey had called it a night at 11 PM, and Andy outlasted us all. I went downstairs to find that Andy had been bowling alone and left his high score, the new record for the house, on the TV for me to see. It was something like 212. Not too shabby! I had nearly broken 200 last night when I blew it and ended up at 199. Well, I had to beat Andy's score.....and so I started. A few strikes here, a spare there....165, 185.....not too bad! Then I got in the zone. Strike, strike, strike..... it was as if I was channeling my inner bowling-queen. The ABBA song, Dancing Queen playing in my head.....'And when you get the chance, you are the Bowling Queen'...... I could not be stopped! I broke that old 200.....and I did it handily! I bowled a 235! I was on a roll and tried again..... 235? I LAUGH at you! Please meet 251! Take THAT! I bowled 8 strikes in a row. EIGHT! Well, I reached my peak at 251.... for now. I did play a few more games with Andy and Rose, and the 100s have welcomed me back with open arms. But watch out perfect I come.

And by the way, Rose got up at 9 and David slept till 2 PM. I will never get him to sleep tonight!

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