Me: "Rose, I think I'm going to make you a poodle skirt for the Sock Hop."
Rose: (looks at me for a few seconds, perplexed) "That means sewing."
Me: "Yes, it does."
Rose: Waits a few seconds, again, perplexed..... "Why don't you ask Ani's Mom? (a girl in class,) She knows how to sew..."
Rose: (looks at me for a few seconds, perplexed) "That means sewing."
Me: "Yes, it does."
Rose: Waits a few seconds, again, perplexed..... "Why don't you ask Ani's Mom? (a girl in class,) She knows how to sew..."
After a few obligatory (whiny) (...HEY, I carried you in my WOMB and gave BIRTH TO YOU.... LET ME TAKE A FREAKING PICTURE OF YOU!) photos, off we went to the Sock Hop. David opted to stay home with Andy, Rose hitched a ride with Aunt Karen and Joey and I met them there. We walked in and found ourselves lost in a sea of pink poodle skirts. Why didn't I think to make her in a pair of shiny black lycra pants like Sandra Dee wore when she goes bad in Grease? It would have been a whole lot easier to find her, and a lot more original, but I want Rose to remain a little girl for as long as I can. The dance was a lot of fun.... but tell me, did they used to play 'Thriller' at sock shops of yesteryear? And hey, I learned a new dance tonight....the Cuban Slide. And you might be wondering, did I dress up? Why Yes... Yes I did. I added a little embellishment to a sweater, rolled up my jeans and put on my saddle shoes... yes, I own real saddle shoes. I think this might be the second time I have ever worn them in the 25 years I have owned them, but you can't get rid of them..... you never know when you are going to need them! I think Karen borrowed them last year..... or maybe it was my brown pair. Yes, I really do own 2 pair of saddle shoes. I am a closet geek.... but my closet geekiness pays off sometimes, like tonight. Ok, maybe just a geek, not even closet.
It's been fun to pull out the sewing machine. It's a side of me Andy and the kids have never seen. Before I became a wife and Mom (aka. back when I had real free time of my very own) I used to be pretty crafty and artsy. Now I have NO time for that, and these loved ones of mine have no idea I can do that sort of stuff. I am Wonder Woman, they just haven't realized it yet! Oh, but they will..... I think next I will whip up a Super Mom costume, complete with white Go-Go boots. Oh, and Joey was FASCINATED with the sewing machine. He was all over that thing..... wanted to know what every button and knob does, how it works.... and sat right next to me as I sewed. Very fun for me! Maybe you will see him someday on Project Runway.
Here are my beauties.......
i just want to comment on here and not by email how do i do this?
gorgeous gorgeous gorgous
fatoll was my word verification on this fat oll what mama? pig? fat oll biddy? what
I assume Anonymous is you, Roz, and that you figured it out?
And it was probably fat oll Mama in reference to my picture! : O
I love the skirts! And for the record, your sewing abilities are great! I love that long cape you made for Bob and that FAB window treatment for our place at Calle Mariselda. Wonder what that guy has done to the place... And what's up with Joey working already? Have your little sweat shop going on already??? XOXOXO
Kathy Lee Gifford will have nothing on me and the little sweat shop I'm setting up in the garage. I hope the other Moms don't catch on when I keep inviting their kids over to 'play' every day! Hey, you are never too young to learn how to sew!
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