Monday, March 15, 2010

The Wonders of Aunt Helene

We got a very pleasant surprise this weekend, a visit from Helene. She called just before the weekend and said she misses us all, and wants to come down. But really, she comes down just to be with the kids. As it should be! Rose turns 6 in 4 days, so Aunt Helene took her for a real treat.... a manicure and pedicure! Now, luckily for Rose she has Helene to do this with her since I'm a "fashion don't." I got a manicure and pedicure once, before my wedding, and other than my acrylic nail phase, I never get them. Not that I wouldn't enjoy it, I just don't. Helene, on the other hand, gets pedicures on a regular basis and has been biding her time until Rose was old enough to go with her. Rose loved it! LOVED it. After the nail salon they headed off to the mall to get down to some business of birthday shopping. They went to Macy's where Rose was able to pick out several adorable outfits, hair accessories and the cutest platform flip flops I have every seen! And of course Aunt Helene wouldn't leave the boys out, they both got new jammies.) Then they were off to Build A Bear where Rose made a purple "Peace" bear, and appropriately named her Peace. She has the most adorable pink party dress and glass slippers. And then, if the day couldn't get any better, Helene took Rose to McDonald's for a Happy Meal! Wow..... how can I top that? I can't, nor will I try. Aunt Helene is so special to all 3 kids, and this is just another one of the MANY things that makes her so great. Thanks Helene for loving our kids like they were your own, and making them feel so special! We ALL love you!!

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