Sunday, March 7, 2010

Sundays and the Oscars

I'm SO behind with posts, but before I play catch up, I have to make a quick post about the significance of today. Tonight is the presentation of the Oscars. This was always a special day for me. Then Bob & Victor went and moved to Canada. Bob, Victor and I had a tradition of watching the Oscars together. We would watch them, make fun of who needed to be made fun of, appreciate whomever and whenever, drink and be merry. Sometimes it would be just us, sometimes it they would have other friends join us. It was ALWAYS a good time. One year the 3 of us had a costume party. I came as Audrey Hepburn in her little black dress in Breakfast at Tiffany's, complete with long cigarette holder. Victor was the Sharon Tate character in Valley of the Dolls....and sorry Bob, I can't remember who you were....but I'm certain it was good.

Sundays were always my special days with Bob and Victor. I would go to their condo and spend the day. They always made me fantastic food. We would watch movies, Food Network, decorating shows and just have a great time. Often this time was spent in the garage, which they had set up to be additional living space. After I got married and had kids I didn't get down there quite as much, but every once in a while I still would. I think of Bob and Victor every Sunday, and this is usually the day we will call each other. I miss our Sundays! This last Friday was Bob's birthday. I didn't get a chance to post him a birthday message on this blog, so consider this my birthday greeting for you! Happy belated to you.....and I will miss you tonight watching the Oscars. I think I might just watch them in the garage this year. It just seems appropriate....and maybe the kids won't bug me in there. Plus, it happens to be close to the beer fridge! You can check out their tales of culinary adventures in Canada at:

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