Wednesday, March 17, 2010

My Sweet, Almost St. Patrick's Day Girl

6 years ago today, I was laying in a hospital bed waiting for Rose to decide it would be a good time to make an appearance. She was due on March 9th, but as with everything else Rose does, she decided she was having no part of coming out when she was "supposed to"....she would do it in her own sweet time. So when she was showing absolutely no signs of wanting to meet her adoring family and friends, our doctor suggested we induce labor. Andy and I were both excited to have a St. Patrick's Day baby....thinking it would be nice for her to share her birthday with Uncle Mike. However, Rose had other ideas. The 17th came and went, the 18th came and went, then our doctor decided perhaps he should just make Rose come out. And so, in the wee hours of the morning on March 19th, Rose came into the world via c-section. She was beautiful and definitely worth the wait, but I'll write more on Friday, her birthday. I will always think of Rose on St. Patty's Day, because even though she wasn't born on this day, she should have been.

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