Saturday, March 13, 2010

The 3 Musketeers aka. Happy Birthday Laci!

In Rose's first year of preschool, she was one of 4 girls. While all 4 got along well, 3 of them, Rose, Laci and Kendall, were very close. After 2 years of preschool, all 3 girls went to different schools for kindergarten. The girls don't get to see each other much anymore, which is understandable. Laci just celebrated her 6th birthday so the girls all got to see each other at her party. It was as if they hadn't been apart at all! They had such a great time being together, it was really fun to watch them enjoying each other's company. Their friend Willy from class was there too, and they had a great time with him too. Happy 6th Birthday Laci!! Thanks for having a mini-preschool reunion / birthday party!

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