Monday, March 22, 2010

Are You Ready to Pump It UP?

Saturday, party day! Saturday morning was a busy one. I decided to give out CDs in the goody bags, so Friday night was spent burning CDs. Rose then helped me assemble all the goody bags. This is a task she always enjoys. I quickly cleaned the house as best I could for the handful of friends we asked to come over after the kid's party. Andy and Joey got a head start out the door to pick up a few last minute things as well as the cake, then meet us there. I threw everything we were going to need for the party in the van, packed up Rose and David plus Tyler and Lexie, got in and turned the key....... NOTHING. I tried again.... "shit! Not NOW!" I had a dead battery. I had left all the doors open for probably 45 minutes and the interior lights were on, which I hadn't noticed. I used the "bad" word a few more times as I looked at all my neighbor's houses. There were no cars to be seen, everyone was gone. I ran over to a neighbor who I knew wasn't home, but whose son's car was in the driveway. He doesn't live there, nor does he know me, so I wasn't so sure he would even open the door, but after knocking twice, he answered. He looked pretty annoyed as I explained my dilemma and asked if he would jump start me. He agreed and pulled his car over to my driveway. I am actually VERY good at jump starting cars quickly as this happens to me more often than I care to admit. As I explained we were late for our own party, he ended up being very nice and helpful. Maybe he thought I would rat him out to his Mom had he not been. (I wouldn't have.) We got the car to start and off we went! Lexie then let me know I had used a bad word. Then she added "a lot!" Point taken.

Fortunately, we weren't too late. We had a great time bouncing with all Rose's friends, then went into the party room where we did the cake and presents. I had Andy pick up some party blowers on his way. I meant the kind that unwind as you blow....that were hopefully nice and quiet. I was one of the last ones into the room as I was helping kids find shoes. I walked into a room full of honking, noise makers. I have to say, the kids did get a pretty good rhythm going. And NEEDLESS to say, those delightful noisemakers all made their way into the trash in the end. At least none came home with us!

After Pump It Up, we headed back to the house along with Karen, Mike and family, Pete and Alex and our friends, the Aceves family. We had a great time visiting for a few more hours, opening a few more presents, and letting the kids play even longer. Another successful Stitzer party!

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