Wednesday, December 23, 2009

School Holiday Festivities

David and Rose both had holiday singing performances and parties at school the last day before break. This is always the most exciting time of the year.....always so much going on right before the much anticipated 2 week break from school. David performed with the class on stage (like Rock Stars) in the Multi Purpose Room for all the parents and their 4th grade Big Buddies. Rose and her class performed twice, once in the classroom for all the parents, and once for their 3rd grade Big Buddies. It was extra special for Rose because her Big Buddies class has our neighbor Tyler in it, so she got to perform for him and his Mom, Lisa, who happened to be there that day. Rose was really excited to wear her new party dress Aunt Helene bought for her. She was ever so cute!! They all sang beautifully and we all had a great last day of school. And the Rudolph antlers on David's head? He wore them ALL day. Kid loves his hats!

Rose with our neighbors & school-mates Anastasia and Lexie. Anastasia moved away the following day. We will miss her...she is a sweet girl!

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