Saturday, December 12, 2009

Have a Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy Hanukkah!!!!

Last night was the first night of Hanukkah. It was another rainy day and I didn't have any candles for the menorah, so I spent a few hours running around trying to find some. After 4 stops, I finally got what I needed. I feel bad that we usually do a lot more for Christmas, so this year I decided I would try to make Hanukkah more fun for the kids. Tomorrow we are headed to Helene's for major festivities, so I have been spared making the latkes. Andy did say the prayers and we lit the menorah, played with draydels then had the kids follow clues super hard clues in order to find their gifts. It went something like 'look in the bathtub for the next clue, go to the front door, check out the fish....then look under the ottoman' where they each had a gift. It's fun now that Rose is learning to read. She was as excited to read the clues for herself as she was racing to find them. Last night they got activity books. That went over really well, so I repeated the hunt for the gifts again tonight. They found their gummy worms and candy corn in the bathtub and were equally delighted to get candy as they were with bigger gifts last night. They really are at the perfect age for things like this. Andy went to the SDSU Aztecs basketball game tonight, so we lit the candles without him and said no prayers. The kids enjoyed lighting the candles just the same, and after Joey blew them out like a birthday cake, we lit them again. We had oh-so traditional Spiderman macaroni and cheese for dinner.... and delicious candy for dessert. Another lovely night. Happy Hanukkah!

Rose adds the traditional Crayola Crayon after the candle is lit. Tradition..... TRADITION!! ..... TRADITION!!

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