Saturday, December 12, 2009

People of Wal-Mart

There's a great website: that has pictures of people snapped at various Wal-Marts around the country. It's pretty funny and I go on every once in a while to get a good laugh. Today I happened to be in Wal-Mart and wished I had snapped a pic of the woman walking around with her kids and husband while nursing a baby and half of her boob hanging out. Now, I really have no problem with public nursing, but this gal was really something to behold. While perusing the aisles for my various sundries, I got very hot and took off my jacket. I tied it around my waist and shopped for at least another hour, enjoying a rare shopping trip with no kids. It was a few hours later at home that I looked in the mirror and saw something black and thought what the heck is that..... ?? I took a better look and saw that I was wearing my shirt inside out all day and no one bothered to tell me. I will check the website to see if I pop up on it in the near future. I really am white trash. A lesson to be learned is: never think you are better than anyone else, because chances are your underwear is showing, or you have toilet paper stuck to your shoe....... And by the way, I'm a natural dark brunette now. Funny how it just magically changes every few months! Oh, and it really is a little tricky taking a photo of yourself behind your back in the mirror.

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