Sunday, December 20, 2009

Hanukkah with Helene

This post is a little late, and out of order for the nights of Hanukkah..... For the 3rd night of Hanukkah, we went to Helene's for early dinner with Randi, Brad and Daniel as well as (cousin) Stacy and Kyle. This was our first chance to see Helene's new condo. Helene ALWAYS comes to us, so it was a nice change to go see her. Her place is very nice, as I knew it would be. Rose was disappointed that we weren't going there to go swimming, so we will for sure go back during the summer and get in some pool time. Rose and David have already staked out their bedrooms. Daniel and the kids lit the menorah and Rose helped Aunt Randi make the potato latkes. We had delicious, ever so traditional baked ziti to go along with the latkes..... DELICIOUS! We had a GREAT time. Thanks for hosting, Helene!

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