Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Birthday to my SUPERGREAT Sister!

For 4 glorious days each year, I am the same age as my sister. I am quick to remind her of this every year. Karen is a Halloween Baby and says she always loved getting to trick-or-treat AND celebrating her birthday. Karen and I are extremely close. We have never, ever really fought over anything. We have always been each other's best friend. I am so lucky to have my sister. When I had Rose, I hoped that David would have been a girl so she too would have a close sister like I have. Then when I had David, I wished Joey would be a boy so they would be close. Rose never got her sister, but fortunately, she does have her cousin Madeline right around the corner, and they are really as close as many sisters. Karen's birthday has changed a little since we both had kids. Now we take the kids out trick-or-treating, then we celebrate her day. It makes for a long, but fun night. My Mom stayed at Karen's to hand out candy while we were out with the kids. We all headed back to their house to celebrate Karen's birthday with Mom after all the tricks were played, and treats were collected. The kids love the fact that they get to trick-or-treat, then have birthday cake too. What a perfect night!

Happy 45th Birthday Karen, I love you!

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