Friday, October 30, 2009

Fight On and On Ye Aztec Men

Rose and I went with my sister Karen and her family to the San Diego State Aztec / BYU football game a few weekends ago. I figured it would be a lot of fun, plus the tickets were free. Rose has never been to a football game before, and since she would be with her cousins, I knew she would have fun. It happened to be Homecoming, which we had no idea. Karen and I were in the marching band at State for 4 years. They always invite alumni band members to come play with the band for homecoming.....but apparently they forgot to let us know when it would be. Come to think of it, they have never let us know...... hmmmmmm. Now I have to say, I was pretty lousy on the flute / piccolo, but Karen was REALLY good on the french horn / melaphone, so SHE should at least have been asked.

The Aztecs had a promising start, but in the end choked and gave the game away. There was a BIG BYU crowd, which is usually the case. In the end, it was a fun game. There wasn't a big half time show with the band as they did all the king and queen business, but they did get out on the field and played a little. This was a big disappointment for my nephew Owen who LOVES marching bands and all that comes with them. Rose and Madeline spent the game entertaining each other and could care less when Karen and I regaled them of days gone by spent in the Marching Aztecs. SNOOZE-O-RAMA, Mom! Just wait till YOU are the band geek, Rose!!

Mike Bittner

Could our faces be any shinier?
The packed stands

A really bad picture of the band in the stands. I had better seats when I was a band geek......

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