Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Driving That Train.......

Rose was invited to go to a pumpkin patch with Lexie and Tyler a few weekends ago, so I took the boys over to Old Poway Park where they were having a Train Song Festival. They have built a new Train Depot in the park and this was the big debut. There were booths, arts and crafts, 2 stages with people singing "train songs"....very folksy (snoozer) stuff, the steam engine running around the park, and a nice model train display. We of course ran into Emily from David's class.....we see them all the time. Poway really is pretty small....plus her Grandparents live at the end of our street. The boys LOVED the model trains. We were in looking at that display for so long that we missed the last run of the train. The boys were disappointed, but we ride it pretty darn often so they didn't completely freak. It was a nice afternoon in the park with just the boys. I'm starting to have lots of time with just the boys, which is nice, but we all agree we are really starting to miss Rose now that she is in school full time. Rose even said she misses David....but that could have been a ploy to stay up longer one night. Helene came down that weekend too, which is always a pleasure! (Helene came down so Andy and I could go to a concert Saturday night.) I think Helene misses her too as Rose's dance card is usually full on the weekends these days with birthday parties and sleep-overs.

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