Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Oh to live on Dino Mountain.........wih the Raptors and Tyrannosaurus Rex

What do you call a dinosaur who needs glasses? Do-you-think-he-saurus?

We are fortunate to have so many great attractions close to us to visit. One of our favorites is the Wild Animal Park just outside of Escondido (where I grew up). My sister Karen, brother Greg and I all worked there during the summers right out of high school.....but I digress. Right now they have a special attraction called Dino Mountain with all sorts of really cool robotic dinosaurs. When you enter the area they give you a passport which you fill with special Dino stamps as you see them all. The landscaping is pretty amazing considering this area really is a desert. We have been there twice now in the last 2 weeks with friends from school. The kids LOVE it! The weather here has been REALLY pleasant. Usually the WAP gets up to the low 100's on a regular basis in the summer. So far we've had a nice, cloudy, mild summer. (At this point Andy would have a derogatory remark about global warming.) I know the hot stuff is coming, so for now I'm enjoying the clouds while I can!

David and his Pal T-Rex

Joey, Rose, Lexie and David running for their lives!
Rose, Laci, Brooklyn and Michele Rodriguez

Rose, Lexie, Laci, Joey & Brooklyn near the elephant enclosure.

The kids dressed up as butterflies (in case you couldn't figure it out) Joey was a bee, but refused to wear the suit for more than 10 seconds, and NO WAY was he going to be photographed in it!

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