Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Happy Birthday Dad!! 76... Hurray!

Today my Dad, William Henry Heffernan, turns 76. Happy Birthday to you, Dad! He was born in Detroit, Michigan. He is #7 of 8 kids, 6 boys and 2 girls. The original John Joseph & Flora plus 8! Too bad they didn't get their own reality show. When Dad was a young boy he was out playing with friends (and probably brothers). They were shooting BB guns. Be careful or you'll shoot your eye out! Well, he was shot in the left eye. He was too afraid to tell my Grandmother when he got home. He went to bed and the next morning finally told his Mom his eye hurt. She looked at it and sort of pulled the lid around and out popped the BB. He has had trouble with it all his life and has been pretty much blind in that eye for a LONG time. I guess sometimes you really should listen to your Mother.

My Grandpa, who went by Joe, was a bus driver among other professions and lived to be just a few days shy of 107. Dad is certain he too will live to a ripe old age. I'm sure he will! I love you Dad!

This picture is from Christmas of 2007. All the usual suspects.... Rose, Owen, Jann, Dad, David & Joey and Madeline.

1 comment:

rosa99lind said...

love you happy bday to your dad
i just like to click on pics of the kids and you guys whenever i can