Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Barbara Jean Edwards Heffernan

My Grandfather (Mom's Dad) was among other things, a professional photographer. He passed away about 13 years ago. My Aunt LuAnne and Uncle Steve have had the daunting task of taking thousands of slides and putting them on DVDs and now on Flickr. This is a photo of my Mom, Barbara, and my Uncle Ward. She would have been about 5 here....Rose's age, and he was probably about 2. (My mom is one of 6 siblings from 2 moms... Barbara, Ward, Carolyn, Becky, Steve and LuAnne) This looks like it was before Aunt Carolyn was born, and most likely taken in Michigan. She was a BEAUTIFUL girl! It's funny, I can see now that my brother Dale looks a lot like her. I'm having a great time looking at old photos.... I'm sure I'll have more to add soon. BTW, today would have been Uncle Ward's 73rd (?) birthday.

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