Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Meet Bob & Victor! Or as The Who would Sing, Meet the New Frogs, Same as the Old Frogs

When we went to Michael Jr's 3rd birthday party a few weeks ago, David was FASCINATED by the new addition to their family, their frogs. Whenever I couldn't find him, I would go into the kitchen and there he would be, watching the frogs. I would take him outside to get him to eat lunch or join the party and after a minute or two he would ask to go back in to watch the frogs. The bouncy didn't entice him..... Spiderman held his attention for a brief time.... cupcakes? Sure, if I can eat them and watch the frogs too..... "Maria... where did you get the frogs.... I think we are going to need to get some......." So after a trip to Brookstone the next day, Andy and Joey came home triumphant. We are the proud owners of the Frog-O-Sphere, a self contained ecosystem with 2 aquatic mini frogs and a snail. Andy asked the kids what are you going to name the frogs and without a moment's hesitation, Rose proclaimed, "Bob & Victor!" Now as for David, he could care less that they are even in the house.......... of course. Oh, and for the record, PETA is all over Brookstone for selling these..... but we still think they are cute.

1 comment:

arlawless said...

OMG, that is too funny about PETA!