Thursday, February 11, 2010

Isn't She Lovely....

This was Rose this AM. Tomorrow at school they are doing their official Valentine's Day celebration, but she wore her outfit today as her class has to all wear the same shirt tomorrow for "twins" day. Her tights have little hearts all over them, and inside the big heart on her shirt is the word LOVE. She told me she wasn't allowed to wear her hair in a pony tail, or even in a headband because later today they are wearing dragon hats they made. Normally I would have her hair pulled back and out of her face. She could care less, but it drives me CRAZY. I remember my Mom always insisting I have a barrette in my hair to keep it out of my face. I didn't get it then, but I do as a Mom. Hate to tell you kids, but you really do turn into your parents.

We have a busy rest of the week, weekend and next week. The in-laws get in this afternoon for a week. Roz gets here tomorrow night then we are all (less kids) headed to Stacy deBoom's wedding to Kyle Howard on Saturday. Saturday afternoon my brother Dave gets here with 3 of his daughters; Laura, Mary and Jane for a week. The other sister, Sally, is going to Mexico for a week with her friend. We will have a great time with the girls, but will miss having Sally here too. Last year at this time Laura and Mary came down by themselves for the week. I can't believe a whole year has gone by! Anyway....should be fun filled days....but I better finish cleaning the house....... it's a WRECK! Happy Thursday!

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