Sunday, February 21, 2010

Family Week

This past week was winter break for the kids. My brother Dave came down from Seattle with 3 of his girls, plus the in-laws were here, and Roz and Helene were here too. Unfortunately, Aunt Paula (R & H's mom) was supposed to come out for Stacy's wedding, but was unable to make it at the last minute. We had a great, busy week. Roz and Helene rented a room at the Catamaran Hotel, the same place Andy and I were married. That's also where Andy and Rose were in a wedding summer before last. (I wore the same dress I wore to Stacy's wedding to that one too..... I really need a new dress. I've worn it to at least 4 wedding that I can remember.....) We went down and played at the bay with them a few times, played at the park, had many sleepovers at various houses, spent loads of time enjoying my nieces and ended the week with a trip to Knott's Berry Farm. It was great for me because I was able to go on lots of big roller coasters with the older girls, something I usually don't get to do much. Rose came on one of the big, scary coasters with me and did great. She claimed she had a good time, but when asked if she wanted to go on again, she said no. I hope I haven't scarred her for life on big roller coasters. We all rode the log ride many times, and the boys LOVED it. It was great since the place was pretty empty all day. We were able to get right on most rides. It was a LOT of fun....and a nice, cheap day compared to Disneyland. I got all 4 of us in for $85. Not bad! Andy schooled all the cousins in a rousing game of Grateful Dead Monopoly. (Madeline emerged triumphant.) The Stitzers left Thursday morning, Roz left Friday and the girls left this morning. I miss everyone already! It really was a good week. We missed you Auntie P!

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