Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day, or as David would say.... Valentimes

I couldn't NOT post about Valentine's Day... even a few days late. I love to hear David say valentimes. Rose used to say it too before she went and got all smart on me. David and Rose both had Valentine to-do's at school on Friday....but David's was extra special. It was letter P week, so they all wore pajamas and made pancakes in class, and of course handed out Valentines. Rose also shared Valentines, spent time with her 3rd grade buddy, McKenzie, and did a little Valentine's song at the end of the day, which I missed. Fortunately, Lisa was there and took some pictures. On Sunday, the actual day, cousins Jane, Laura and Mary were here, and it was a beautiful day, so we headed to the beach for a great day. We ended the day with dinner at my Mom's, where Andy, Barbara and Paul joined us. We gave the kids fun floppy dogs, Andy gave me a bear and chocolates, and I gave Andy Target popcorn. (It really is as good as the theater!) I know.... I really am a romantic. It was a really great day! Hope you all enjoyed yours just as much. (Picture below: Top Row L-R; Katie, Kai, Thomas, Lucas, Kai Leah, Kendal, Lana, Kayla Bottom Row; Andrew, David, Ryan, Joey Z, Tommy, Emily, Kyvia, Oliver)

1 comment:

arlawless said...

I of course LOVE the shot of E & D in their jammies. Too bad Em hadn't wiped off the snot below her nose before you took the picture! That's okay. It's a great photo nonetheless. Can I have the original?