Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Take a Picture, It Will Last Longer!!

Today was picture day for David at Garden Road school. So what does the lame-o Mom extraordinaire do? She dresses her boys up in matching shirts and heads off to school. Is Joey getting his picture taken too? No! But hey, how much longer will the boys notice that I sometimes do lame things at their expense? Probably not much. We sent Rose a-packing.... off on her trek to school, and the boys and I were off to school ourselves. I wasn't working in the classroom today but stuck around and helped until it was time for us to head over for pictures. Joey is very used to spending time in the preschool room with Mrs. Martin and will be there next year, so he is always welcome. I LOVE Mrs. Martin. So do all the kids. was time to head off for pictures. We all lined up and marched to the auditorium (now they call it a multi-purpose room, which bugs the hell out of Andy...) and waited in line for our turn. This year not very many Moms stuck around to go take the pictures, so I went into 'annoying Mom' mode, got out my brush and started attacking every child with whacked out hair. If all the kids catch lice....I'm in SO much trouble! We are a clean home (ok, messy at times, but clean) and everyone knows me now, so I figured it would be ok. (Maybe I crossed the the line when I brushed the hair of a second grader whom I didn't know, but who REALLY needed her hair brushed. Her Mom would thank me if she only knew.....although her outfit looked like something out Ringling Bros. and I'm not kidding. Her pants were CRAZY. Perhaps her hair was the least of her worries......again, I pray there isn't a sudden lice outbreak.) After we did all the individual pics, we went to the front of the school and got a class shot. There were 2 kids missing today, so the photo isn't quite complete. Boy I love preschool.....the kids are so much fun! Long Live Picture Day!

Top L-R: Kayla, Thomas, Kai, Sue Martin, Kendal, Lana, Kai Leah Bottom L-R: Kyvia, Emily, Joey (not mine), Lucas, Tommy & David

1 comment:

arlawless said...

You crack me up, Ann! And boy can I attest to the fact that that poor little girl really DID look like she had just gotten off of work from the circus!

Man, lice didn't even enter my mind. I of course know YOU guys don't have it, but I sincerely hope none of the kids you "attacked" have it! Whew, I'm glad I was there, eliminating the need for you to brush Em's hair!! (Just kidding! ;-)

Stupid me... I had my camera with me, but I neglected to take a picture of Mrs. Martin with the class. The thought fleetingly floated through my mind, but I was probably afraid the photographer would say something. I'm glad you had cojones and just did it! Unfortunately, I can't click on the little picture to make it bigger. That's okay, though. It's pretty darn cute anyway!