Thursday, July 8, 2010

Sarah, Your the Poet In My Heart

Andy and I went to Vermont a few weeks ago for his cousin Sarah & Duncan's wedding. It was a quick weekend getaway for us without the kids. Helene came to stay with the kids. (Helene is a GODSEND. I don't know what we would ever do without her. The kids LOVE her, and she LOVES being with them.) The wedding was in Waitsfield, Vermont. Ben and Jerry's is half an hour away, but unfortunately, we didn't have time to get there. I have never been to Vermont, so this was a real treat for me. We flew into New Hampshire, and drove a few hours, so I got to see loads of green trees. I bet it's magnificent in the fall. Anyway.... it was like a scene out of the old show Newhart (the one where her is an innkeeper, not a psychologist). We stayed in a cute 12 room inn along with Andy's 3 sisters; Liz, Randi and Jodi. The wedding was at another cute little inn.... the Inn at the Round Barn Farm. To get there you passed under a covered bridge (where the townie kids jumped into the river below) and passed many cows.... very picturesque. The ceremony was outside and the reception was guessed it, the Round Barn. (Sarah & Duncan had found this place in their travels and came to love it. I would have too... it was so quaint and beautiful.) It was such a fun, unassuming wedding. They were truly happy to have each and every one of us there. Sarah and her Dad danced together to Fleetwood Mac's 'Sarah', and both Sarah and Duncan had their brothers as the best-man and man-of-honor. It really was a fun party. We got to see pretty much all of Andy's family on his Dad's side. I don't think I have seen them all at the same time since our wedding.... and then I wasn't able to spend any kind of time with anyone. Oh, and I can now scratch 2 more states off my 'haven't seen-em states' list. So close to Maine.... but not enough time to get there. Guess we need to go back! I think I love New England.

And a HUGE thanks to Helene who made the weekend pretty fun for the kids. She took them all to see Toy Story 3 (even I haven't braved taking all 3 to a movie), took them to breakfast at the Hamburger Factory with my Mom, Owen & Madeline and Karen, took them to a concert at Lake Poway to see HELP!...a fun Beatles cover band....along with many hours of play, reading books...etc. We LOVE you..... you really are THE BEST!

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