Thursday, July 15, 2010

Happy 5th Birthday David!

I can't believe David is 5! He has been counting down the days for a while now, even though he is getting jipped and not really having a big party like we usually do. The reason for that is we are going to Seattle tomorrow for a week then on an Alaskan cruise the following week. We could tell him that we are going on the cruise for his birthday, but he won't care, that's not a party. Andy WILL celebrate his birthday on the cruise. I believe we get to Juneau that day. Anyway... I am having the neighbor kids over as well as Owen and Madeline and his best friend Emily, so we will make the most of it. I went and bought a new Slip-n-Slide.... Woo Hoo! So we'll have a "pool" party and hope he's happy about it. I felt so bad the other day when he asked "Mom, can I have a Batman Lego party?" I hadn't even thought about throwing a party at all..... Poor middle child. (I'm such a great Mom.)

David is a beautiful soul. He is loving, caring, and incredibly sensitive, not to mention quite smart. He came up to me the other day, looked at me (I had pulled my hair up into a clip, which he has never seen me do) and said "Mom, I like your hair!" Today he told me how pretty I am. He is always saying insightful things like, isn't it a beautiful day? or after walking into the room yesterday where Rose and I are going back and forth about whatever it was he says "Oh, this is turning into an argument" and left the room. Andy bought him a chess set for his birthday and gave it to him last night so they could play. We have one they have used a few times before, but this one is his very own, and he was quite excited about it. I have no doubt he will master the strategy of the game in no time. Anyway... I could go on and on. Here are a few from birthdays past and a few from today.

Update: it ended up being a fun day. We busted out the new Slip-n-Slide and pool and the kids were having a great time. Then the sky clouded over and we got some rain! Hoo HA! They loved it! The day was capped off when cousin Daniel showed up with his new-used go kart. He is SO cool!

I love you David Louis! Happy Birthday!

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