Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Mini Vacation

This past weekend we spent the weekend in Palm Desert with our good friends Jon, Chantal, Vaughn and Nolan. This is the 3rd year we have joined them at their FABULOUS time share. There are pools galore including one with a water slide and now that Rose is an official swimmer, this is her dream vacation. Basically most of time we are in the pools. The kids LOVE it, we love it and we love, Love...LOVE that each year they include us. They are always so good to us and the kids. When we got there, we were in the door for maybe 3 minutes when Jon asked, "WHO WANTS PRESENTS?" Rose got 2 Barbies.... her current fave, David got a Lightning McQueen racetrack and Joey got a Toy Story 3 Buzz Lightyear belt with gun and binoculars. That's just 1 of the things (they always do) that makes them so great. THANK YOU! We had a blast!

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