Thursday, June 3, 2010

She Shoots, She SCORES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So there we are at the soccer park for one of Rose's last games a few weeks ago. As usual, the 2 strongest players were coming on strong and each scored their allotted 3 goals. A kid from the other team kicked the ball into their own net, scoring another goal for our team. I can't remember what their tally was.... we were well ahead. And that's when it happened. Rose was playing forward. Our team made their way down to the opponent's goal. The ball made its way right in front of Rose.... she pulled her leg back, she shoots, she SCORES! And the crowd literally went wild. The yells were so loud, they rivaled any world cup game. It was a moment of euphoria for Andy and I....well, certainly for me. It was SO great to see her go from timid Rose, afraid to get the ball (which really isn't far from the truth still) to getting that ball and scoring. I really believe all the other parents were just as excited for her. She had already won player of the game the week before, but this time she truly earned it.... player of the game AGAIN! She was really proud of herself.

This past weekend Rose's team, the M&M's, played in the finals. I wasn't able to go as I was in Toronto. And there was another moment just like Rose's. A boy named Zach who was a novice coming in to the season also hadn't scored all season. (not to my knowledge anyway) He scored a goal and Andy said the roar was just like it was for Rose. I wish I had been there to lend my loud vocals to the cheers. Zach was the well deserved player of the week. The M&M's won and will have their photo on the wall at the soccer park. A very exciting end to Rose's first experience and season with soccer. Yeah ROSIE!!

Sorry for the quality on the last pic, it was taken on Andy's phone.

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