Thursday, June 3, 2010

Open House

The end of the school year is already here. There are 3 days left and they are out for summer. Wow. That was a FAST year. Midland Elementary had an Open House about a month ago. Rose was quite excited to show off all that she has accomplished. I feel fortunate that I'm able to volunteer in the classroom. I feel like I know all the kids and got to experience a lot of what they have done this year. Rose's teacher, Mrs. Garcia, is FABULOUS! She is always having the kids learn new songs, doing a cheer at the end of the day, putting on plays and shows that the parents are invited to the wedding of Q & U. She really has made kindergarten a lot of fun for Rose.

Back to Open House. Rose was able to show off for Andy and myself. The kindergartners performed several songs in the auditorium beforehand. It was adorable, but chaotic with all the parents jockeying for position to take pictures and videotape. (we got the crappy spot) Then we were off to Rose's room so she could show off everything to us. She was so proud of all she has done. I'm glad to see her enthusiasm for school.....even if we do battle every morning with getting up and out the door. It's so nice to see how Rose is really blossoming into her own unique little self. I'm sure going to miss kindergarten for her. Fortunately I get to do it 2 more times! I truly hope Mrs. Garcia sticks around so the boys can both have her as well. With all the crazy budget cuts to schools, it isn't a certainty. Anyway, the Open House was a lot of fun, and quite a success. Here's to many, MANY more. I just did the math.... I'll be around Midland school for another 8 more years after this with Rose and the boys. YIKES! Hurray?

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