I started this blog to track our lives, but have had a hard time really getting it going. So now I'm playing a little catch up for some major events of note. On July 3, 2008, Rose had surgery to remove her tonsils and adenoids. She had been a horrible snorer for most of her short life. When I mentioned this to her pediatrician for her 4 year check-up, she suggested we see a specialist to check what she thought to be large tonsils. After talking with the ENT specialist, she confirmed they were unusually large and probably needed them out along with the adenoids, and to insert a tube into one ear that had fluid in it for what appeared to be months. Rose is not a complainer when it comes to being in pain or getting hurt, so I would never had known about the ear infection. I had also noticed she would stop breathing while she slept (sleep apnea) for a few seconds, then would start again. I was told this was probably due to her large tonsils and adenoids. So, after the consultation we decided to go ahead with the surgery. The surgeon who performed the surgery was the partner of the gal who did the initial consultation. Dr. Fitzgerald told us his daughter had the same procedure at the same age with incredible results, so we felt we had made a good decision.
We went to Pomerado Hospital at 5 AM on the morning of the 3rd. We had really great nurses that made feel Rose very comfortable. She was prepped for surgery, then we had plenty of wait time for our doc to come in. He arrived and made sure we were ready to go. Then a BIG BURLY doc came over and picked Rose up to take her to the OR. I was surprised when Rose didn't make a peep when he took her. It was like a big grizzly bear taking her away. We said goodbye and off she went without any tears. Andy had to get to work, so off I went in search of a diet coke while our little trooper was in surgery. (Priorities!) The operation took about an hour and a half and the doc came out to let me know she had made it through with flying colors. (I was a little perturbed I didn't get enough reading time in while I waited....but what are you going to do.) I was taken back to the recovery room where she was just waking up from the anesthesia. She cried when she saw me, but that was about the only time. After a while I was able to take her home. We were back at the house by 10:30 AM. We were told it would take her about a week to fully recover. In reality it took her that first day of rest, and one rough night, then the next day she was off and running with her best friend from the neighborhood, Lexie. She is now such a sound, silent sleeper, I have to listen to make sure she is breathing.
I LOVE Pomerado Hospital. All 3 kids were born there in the same room (OR for c-sections). I was in the same room for the rest of our stays with Rose and David, then a different room for Joey. I know 2 other people who had babies in the same room I recovered in with Joey. I love that it's a good small town feeling place and have had excellent care there every time I have been there for my family. Yeah for Pomerado!!
Wow, what a little trouper! I woulda had a hard time if a big grizzly bear hauled me away from my mom and dad!
Emily's the same when it comes to pain. She hardly ever complains, so when she does, I know it must really hurt. She gets nursemaid's elbow a lot, and that really hurts her. And of course, when it hurts them, it hurts us!
For the record, I *heart* Pomerado Hospital, too! Both my kids were born there. (Actually, so was I!) The nurses and doctors are always so kind and gentle. I've never had a bad experience there. I also love the way they run their maternity ward. It's nice how we can labor, deliver and recover all in the same, cozy room.
Ironically, I had to take Rose to the ER for Nurse's Elbow too. I felt horrible as I was the one who inflicted the damage! They were so good to her in the ER and popped it back in to place in about 2 seconds! They really are great, aren't they? Especially the maternity ward!
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