Thursday, December 23, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

I figure I best get some pics up from Thanksgiving. All 5 Heffernan siblings converged in Oakland this year. Greg lives there and Dale lives about 45 minutes away. Mom made the drive up with the kids and myself and Andy flew up the night before. Rose actually flew up with the Bittners the night I drove as she was supposed to have her championship game for soccer, which ended up in a rain-out.

The short version of our stay:

Greg, Echo and Sean were fabulous hosts. They all gave up bedrooms for us. Echo is an excellent cook, so dinner was fantastic. We made a trip in to China Town with the kids one day, went to Muir Woods another, went to the Claremont Hotel for the tree lighting and to see Santa, ate, drank and were very merry. It was a really good week. Thanks for letting us come!

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