Friday, December 24, 2010

8 Great Nights.....Hanukkah 2010

I would love to expound on the fabulousness of each holiday we have spent this year, but I'm so behind, I'll settle for posting some shots. My in-laws came out for Thanksgiving (which they spent with sis-in-law Randi and family) then we came home a few days later. We then had a great visit with them and switched to Hanukkah mode. We got to spend time with (Aunt) Helene, Randi, Brad and the oh SO cool cousin (nephew) Daniel. My kids just LOVE this time of year..... and why not? I recently heard my kids talking to Owen and Madeline about Hanukkah to which Owen said: "Man, I wish MY Dad was Jewish"!
See you next year, Hanukkah Harry!

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