Thursday, December 23, 2010

Soccer Star

Rose's first real soccer season has come to an end. The Golden Girls ended up being 1 of the 2 teams to beat in their league and came in second place. The championship game was cancelled due to rain.... so who knows if they would have been able to defeat the dreaded Blue Jays. Rose had a great time playing goalie, and an overall great experience. This may have been the first and last time she and Madeline are on the same organized team, but who knows. I think her experience was so good since she was already friends with so many girls on her team before teams were ever picked. Andy had a great time as coach too. He really enjoyed teaching all the girls, and secretly, I'm pretty sure he just loved being called "Coach." We'll see what she ends up doing next!

Rose and Coach Albert at the end of year party

1 comment:

arlawless said...

More evidence she's super-brave. She was goalie! WOW!!