Thursday, August 26, 2010

Just In the Nick of Time.....

It was pretty evident 3 weeks ago that Joey wouldn't be starting preschool today. The rule for school is you must be fully potty trained in order to attend. As summer was coming to a screeching halt, Joey was showing ZERO interest in even considering peeing on the pot. Not only was he showing no interest, I was literally fighting him to even sit on the pot.... and forget about wearing undies! Commando it is. I won't bore you with the details, but one night after weeks of wearing undies, sometimes not.... wet pants and occasionally peeing on the grass... I asked him if he wanted to sit on the pot and try, and that boy was ready. Yahoo! Preschool here we come!

And so today, I introduce to you, Joseph William Stitzer..... preschool student at Garden Road Elementary.

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