Thursday, April 8, 2010


What is it about the lure of puddles? What kid can resist the Siren's call of a good puddle, big or small? With all the rain we have been having, some pretty good puddles have been forming in the parking lot where we pick Rose up after school. And as if giant puddles weren't enough.....there are also STONES to throw in too! Recently, I picked up Rose, plus the usual extras, Madeline, Tyler, Lexie..... (I think Owen was sick that day) and let them all have a good play in the puddles. (without getting all that wet.... after all, I didn't want to get in trouble with the parents!) Let it Rain, Let it Rain, Let it RAIN!

In this picture, Tanner, a boy from Rose's class in the black & white shirt, is throwing a rubber snake in the puddle. Man, life is good! (It's in front of Lexie and her blue backpack.)

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