Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Waiting is the Hardest Part.........

Day 1 of the cruise

We got to the terminal on Sunday, August 2nd, with several cars. We all unloaded then Andy and Dennis had to return the rental van they had been using. We were all out front waiting for the guys to get back. Thank goodness we brought toys to occupy the kids time. Andy thought they were supposed to take the van back somewhere other than the right spot, so by the time they got back, well over an hour had past. We couldn't get on the ship before them as we all had to board as a family.

After much waiting, we boarded the ship then went to find our rooms. I think we had one of the greatest rooms on the ship. We had what they called a "family room" a living room with fold out couch, bedroom and additional small bedroom with bunk beds. It only had 1 bathroom, but since the kids are still young, it worked out fine for us. We were at the very front of the ship on the 8th deck. We had 3 port holes that looked out to the front of the ship. We actually overlooked the helicopter landing pad. The only thing that would have made it better was if we had a balcony. We were out of our room so much, we may not have used it much anyway. After checking out the room, we went to find the rest of the group and eat our first the buffet. The buffet restaurant and dining room were at the very back of the ship, so we definitely got our walking in this trip. We should have had roller skates. We explored the ship some then went to the mandatory safety drill with life vests on so we could finally depart. We went to watch our departure from the harbor from Paul & Barbara's room, out on the balcony. There was a "Taste of San Pedro" event going on that day, so we had quite the send off from shore. After poking around the ship for a while, checking out the pool area and having a drink, it was time for dinner!

Our seating time was 6 PM. The second seating was at 8:30, so we went with 6. A little too early....oh well. The kids could have made it till 8:30 to eat, but we didn't realize that when we chose the time prior to the cruise. A good mother would have had the kids to bed at a reasonable hour, but I'm not the kids went to sleep around 11 most nights. We had 2 tables right at a window. The spot was perfect for us. When the kids got restless, they were able to get up and sort of play near the windows without disturbing any of the other diners. After dinner we explored the promenade area with the kids while Andy went off to explore the casino with Dennis and his Dad. This was my first cruise. I have seen cruise ships on TV, but wasn't prepared for how neat it would be in person. The promenade was sort of like a little street with shops, bars and an always open coffee house type place where you can get food and desserts, froo-froo coffee, Ben & Jerry's ice cream, etc. We stayed in that area for a little while then went in to watch and sing karaoke. We weren't there quite early enough to get our name and song in and be able to perform it for the audience.... so we just watched. (As my friends Bob & Vic know, my karaoke singing is pure magic. The crowd really missed out on something special that night.) After karaoke, it was off to bed for us.

The guys did very well in the casino. Paul went off to bed, and Dennis & Andy went to the English pub, the Wig and Gavel, where they heard "the greatest guy ever" play all sorts of acoustic songs....Neil Young, Grateful Dead, Springsteen, you name it. They became quite chummy with Sean that night and were on a first name basis for the week. I went and heard him a few nights later and believe he was probably much better for Andy, who had more to drink the nights he saw him. Anyway... it was a good day and great start to the cruise.

We're HERE!!!! Oren, Sophie and Joey

Safety First!

Our room

Dinner night 1: Dave, Rose, Sophie, Joe, Ian and Oren

Waiting for Karaoke: Ian, Sophie & Rosie
The kids all got along so well. Rose and Sophie were thick as thieves the whole trip. It takes Rose a little time to warm up to people, but it didn't take long for her to become fast friends with all the cousins, but first and foremost, Sophie.
The Promenade

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