Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Small Victory

A few weeks ago Rose asked for a pair of shoes with laces.  I am embarrassed to say that I have never bothered to teach any of the kids how to tie shoe laces.   Velcro shoes are my friend.  They save many minutes every time we have to go somewhere by empowering the kids to be able to put their own shoes on.  (freeing up precious minutes for me to stand there and yell at them to hurry up and put their shoes on)  So, when Rose asked for new shoes (which she desperately needed) and to be taught how to tie laces…well actually she told me her friend Bella would teach her at school, I agreed.  ( I knew I was in for a long period of tying her shoes for her while she learned and practiced.)  We purchased the shoes and that evening she asked me to show her how to tie them.  I showed her a handful of times and VIOLA… she actually learned how to do it right then and there!  And while I know my days of tying her shoes are going to be numerous still….. I was duly impressed with her ability to learn so quickly.  So here they are…. the new and TIED (by Rose) shoes.  Oh, and do they light up you ask? why yes, yes they do!   

IMG_4154 IMG_4157

1 comment:

arlawless said...

Those are awesome shoes! Seriously, I want a pair of my own!

Good job on the shoe-tying, Rosie! I didn't teach Em, either, but she got the hang of it on her own!