Thursday, May 13, 2010

Players of the Week

Ok, so their interest might be waning a little for soccer (well, not for Rose).....and I know every kid gets it at some point..... but Rose and David were both recently PLAYER of the WEEK!!! David got a game ball along with his certificate and free scoop of ice cream, and Rose got a certificate. I think it all depends on the coach.....some like to make it more special than others. But I have to say, Rose didn't seem to mind, and she actually has a good coach who is really trying to teach her skills. I don't know if they will continue in the future, but for now, I'm being the nurturing parent who FORCES their child to try things....even if they don't like it! Hurray for the Stitzer Kids! (friend Alex is in the picture with Rose.) I'll of course post about Joey when he gets his turn.

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