Sunday, April 5, 2009

Spring Break Beach Fun!

Today was day 3 of Mary & Laura's spring break vacation visit. It was a warm one today, so we went to the beach. The temperature was probably 80 but the water was more like 62. That didn't stop L & M from getting right in without any hesitation. David and Rose got wet up to their waists, Joey and I could only stand getting our feet wet for about 5 seconds. It was fairly crowded, a far cry from January when we had the beach to ourselves. I just LOVE San Diego in winter when we have the place to ourselves. The kids all had a great time.

Mary & Laura, my twin nieces, age 9 1/2

Rose, David & Joey...could Joey be any skinnier or whiter? Laura looked at him with his shirt off and said, he's whiter than me, and he lives in California!

Sand Castle Fun

Laura & Joey having fun

The girls having no trouble with the cold water

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