Friday, July 19, 2013

Happy 8th Birthday Dave-O!

David turned 8 on the 15th.  All he wanted to do for his birthday was to spend it at home.  We had come home from our 2 week summer road trip the day before and he was ready to spend some quality time at his own house.  It’s his favorite place on earth.  So, that’s pretty much what he did…. boring for most, but what he most desired.  He had been told he couldn’t get an iPod until he turned 8, so for a few weeks prior, he kept mentioning that’s what he was getting…. so that’s just what he got.  He and I went and bought it together while Joey and Rose hung at Aunt Karen’s.  He was so excited with the purchase he didn’t take me up on the offer to get lunch together, he just wanted to get home and get that bad boy set up.  A few more highlights included Uncle Dale (who was in town after he and Riley rode their bikes down from NoCal) and Granna coming over for dinner, Tyler and Lexie coming over to help celebrate for dessert, and a visit from the tooth fairy that morning, who happens to pay $5 instead of her usual $2 if it’s your birthday.  (All other family members were busy with other commitments….it’s not that we didn’t invite them.)  Happy Birthday Big D!

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