Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Batter Up!

IMG_4080So (our very un-athletic) David started T-ball recently.  He is on the Blue Jays.  I’m guessing Andy did his best to see that he become a Yankee,  but they don’t have Yankees at this level.  I know for a fact he requested David NOT be a Red Sock.  Some times David likes to play, and a lot of times not.  He was the one who said he wanted to play, so we signed him up and hope for the best.  He does get out there and (sometimes) tries his best… and other times he would just rather play  in the dirt and grass.  I’m just glad that he is trying.  He may not want to play again next year, but for now we are enjoying the season.  The plus, he is on the same team as his best friend at school, Aiden, and with a boy named Kaden whom David went to preschool with when he was 3.  It’s fun that we are expanding our circle of 5 year old BOY friends.  And doesn’t he look GREAT in his uniform?




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Small Victory

A few weeks ago Rose asked for a pair of shoes with laces.  I am embarrassed to say that I have never bothered to teach any of the kids how to tie shoe laces.   Velcro shoes are my friend.  They save many minutes every time we have to go somewhere by empowering the kids to be able to put their own shoes on.  (freeing up precious minutes for me to stand there and yell at them to hurry up and put their shoes on)  So, when Rose asked for new shoes (which she desperately needed) and to be taught how to tie laces…well actually she told me her friend Bella would teach her at school, I agreed.  ( I knew I was in for a long period of tying her shoes for her while she learned and practiced.)  We purchased the shoes and that evening she asked me to show her how to tie them.  I showed her a handful of times and VIOLA… she actually learned how to do it right then and there!  And while I know my days of tying her shoes are going to be numerous still….. I was duly impressed with her ability to learn so quickly.  So here they are…. the new and TIED (by Rose) shoes.  Oh, and do they light up you ask? why yes, yes they do!   

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Monday, March 21, 2011


Many of you know I've had (extra) crap-o-rama going on for a month and a half. My life hasn't been oh-so supergreat. My husband left me. Separation / divorce.... who knows how it will all end at this point. Never in a million years did I expect to be in this position. A single Mom with 3 young kids. Pleasantville.

My entries have been few and far between. (Hard to write pleasant things when I'm not feeling so pleasant.) There are a few high points in my life though... my kids. This blog is for the most part all about them, and they have had some blog-worthy things going on in their lives recently. I will try to get back on my bloggy horse and get back in the swing of things.

This isn't a post to spew crap about my situation, just a matter of fact entry. I will try to have more supergreat things to say in the near future. All for now.... Off to clean up the house after a weekend with 7-9 kids here for Rose's birthday. It WAS supergreat! More to follow.