So (our very un-athletic) David started T-ball recently. He is on the Blue Jays. I’m guessing Andy did his best to see that he become a Yankee, but they don’t have Yankees at this level. I know for a fact he requested David NOT be a Red Sock. Some times David likes to play, and a lot of times not. He was the one who said he wanted to play, so we signed him up and hope for the best. He does get out there and (sometimes) tries his best… and other times he would just rather play in the dirt and grass. I’m just glad that he is trying. He may not want to play again next year, but for now we are enjoying the season. The plus, he is on the same team as his best friend at school, Aiden, and with a boy named Kaden whom David went to preschool with when he was 3. It’s fun that we are expanding our circle of 5 year old BOY friends. And doesn’t he look GREAT in his uniform?