Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Lost (All I want for Christmas is My 2 Front Teeth)

Finally..... after at least 2 months of 2 wiggly-wigglies, Rose lost her 2 front teeth! (Poor girl) Rose has been having major issues with her teeth resulting in numerous trips to the dentist over the last few months for fun stuff like fillings, baby root canals (yes, plural) capped teeth, an extracted tooth.... fun times. She unfortunately now has an aversion to the dentist and all things tooth related, so she just wouldn't let anyone pull out her loose teeth, which happened to loosen up during all this fun dental office time. Every time I tried to get at them, she would snap her mouth shut and run away. The adult teeth behind the 2 loose teeth were coming up pretty fast, so she had the shark teeth look going for a while. This past Saturday, she finally agreed to let a few of us have a go at the loosest of the 2, and out it came. I got to pull it, which ironically was on the heels of having just pulled out my nephew Owen's tooth an hour earlier. Owen let me pull it so I would gain some experience. (I had never pulled one before.) Well tonight, Rose agreed to let me get the second tooth. With a satisfying tug, where I could feel the roots snap off, pop..... tooth number 2 is out! I wish I had a better "gaping hole" shot.....but she took so long to lose them, the adult teeth are well on their way. Oh, and we found out that the tooth fairy pays $2 per tooth. (plus a bag of silly bands if the dentist has to pull one out for you) Love that goofy grin!


arlawless said...

I feel like a horrible failure of a Tooth Fairy... I totally forgot to give Em her cash for her last tooth (Tooth #3), and that was a month ago!!

arlawless said...

Rosie's brave, IMO. I don't think I would let anyone pull my teeth. And I'm a chicken to pull Em's! I just let them fall as they may. Her first came out at Grandma's when she tried to pry to Legos apart; the second came out at school; and the third came out at Children's Hospital when she was getting fillings done. Of all three teeth, we only have one (#1 was never found and the hospital wouldn't let us keep #3). Anyway. Yay for Rosie!!!