Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Best Week Ever

So, last week had to be the best week EVER out of all the time the kids have been in school. All 1.5 years of it!

Monday: Rose was Star Helper for her class. She got to be teacher's helper. She got to ring the bell for clean-up, lead the class out and in for break, help Mrs. Martin with all the counting, days of the week, months of the year, etc. She had to bring in something that started with the letter J to try and stump the class as to what it was. She brought in Jelly Beans and we sent enough for everyone to take home with them. Ironically, they had a dental hygienist come in that day too and sent home toothbrushes with everyone.

Tuesday: David was Star Helper for HIS class. Basically it's the same job, but he brings in a special book to share with the class. He brought in a book called My Truck is Stuck. Everyone loved it. I was a participating Mom that day, so I got to spend the day with him. That's always fun.
Wednesday was Pajama Day for Rose. They were learning the letter P that week, so they got to wear their jammies and make pancakes to eat. The kids all thought that was the greatest day ever!

Thursday was the Valentine exchange in David's class. Mrs. Martin brought in a special treat for everyone at snack time....rice crispy treats with hearts sprinkled on them. There are twin girls in his class. Their parents bring stuffed animals for all the major holidays to give to all the kids in David's class, so he got that too. (He got a raccoon with a red mask....the love bandit.) When we went to pick up David from school, Rose received a Valentine from a boy she is smitten with in his class. She was SO excited!

Friday was the Valentine exchange for Rose along with a little party. They got to make mini pizzas. I got to participate that day too. That makes it even better for Rose and David on those days.
Rose and David made some of the Valentine hearts out of dough (see earlier post) for Mrs. Martin and she hung them in her room. See? It really was the best week EVER!


arlawless said...

Wow, you aren't kidding -- it *was* the best week ever! The kids must've been thrilled with all the things going on.

I'm gonna have to check out My Truck is Stuck. Em came home talking about it! Her book was actually a hit, too. She took in Gallop, which is a pretty cool little book. You should check it out. It features "scanimation", ya know. ;-)

Stitz said...

This BLOG sux; it never gets updated

Ann said...

You are going to have to teach me how to do all the cool stuff you do, like add links and spread pictures throughout the posts. I can't do any of that.......

I will check out Gallop!