Friday, April 6, 2018

Hello Again, Hello....

Hello my lovelies! Just testing to see if this will work after years of being gone, and if anyone will even see it! If anyone does read this post... Please leave me a comment so I know! Roz Langer that is especially true for you! You gave me the idea to start posting again. Just have no idea what to write about... I guess everyone knows, but the big news since posting years ago is that I am now employed again. I work for the local middle school as an instructional assistant. I'm a one-on-one aide for a student and go to class with him all day. 6th grade totally rocks again, when you're old enough to actually appreciate the curriculum! Ok, not math...and maybe not P.E. Here are a few pictures of the family. Rose is now 14, David is 12, and Joey is 11. All for now. Maybe I will get my act together and start this up again. It is pretty fun to write things when I think of it. Or when I have the time...