Saturday, January 18, 2014

Menorah Madness

Each year the temple has each child bring in a menorah and has a service when they light them all at the same time.  Last year we had just joined the temple when they had it.  It was pretty amazing.  This year was also pretty great.  The kids love to light them all by themselves.  I think they are really enjoying being able to share this experience with so many kids.  Poway doesn’t exactly have the largest Jewish population!  A belated Happy Chanukah!

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7-8-9 aka. Joey’s 7th Birthday

Joey turned 7 on December 7th.  For a short time I get to say my kids are 7, 8, and 9.   He had a shared party with Brody next door who turned 7 on the 20th.  They had a game truck, the most awesome vehicle that ever existed….a trailer with 4 large flat screen tvs and a giant bench seat so 16 kids can all play video games at the same time.  A good time was had by all!  7 8 9!

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Florida 2013-2014

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