Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I’m Funky, I’m Cool

We went to a birthday party last summer with the kids.  In the goodie bags were these FAB sunglasses.  As we were driving home that day all 3 kids put their sunglasses on and started to chant “I’m Funky, I’m Cool… I’m Funky, I’m Cool…”  Recently we were at one of David’s t-ball games.  Rose and Joey rummaged  through the backpack I brought and pulled these long-lost gems and then stated the chant… “I’m Funky, I’m Cool… I’m Funky, I’m Cool…”   Rose is EXTRA cool wearing hers upside down.  And throwing out the peace signs make her even more so.  Are you Funky and Cool?


What the ????

Is that what I think it is?  Why yes, 3 pair of undies, on grass, with sprinklers.  Fortunately the exhibitionists were in the back yard.  Summer is right around the corner!
